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Aceius' Web Ring:

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retronauts webring:

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pictured above: where i'm probably writing this from (that or my no good very bad linux laptop which has a wider screen. and i have now spilled soda on)

been listening to: mercy me alkaline trio

this site works best on computers NOT mobile and was designed on a 1920x1200 screen. probably works best on firefox, also. this site is ALWAYS under construction!!

welcome to my room on the web. i host a lot of random shit on here. look out for links in images, because i like to hide those around. i made this because i read enough web manifestos that i decided to give it a go myself, and i also needed a space to practice html and css. hope u can stick around. i live-update this website, so if you run into any construction, sorry. like my site? sign my guestbook!

i do not consent to anything i create for this site being posted to any other site or fed to ai. the only exception is my code is ALWAYS useable for other webmasters.


1/1/25: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! added a postsecret page and cleaned up some stuff. also working on the abt me.

12/27/2024: out of town and can't update this a lot, but just cleaned up a little of the code. i saw the internet archive from the outside.

12/23/2024: i keep forgetting to update this log! i am doing stuff, though.


12/2/2024: working off and on past few days on the abt me: made draggable html elements.

11/28/2024: did a lot today and yesterday, like join fanlistings, attempt to figure out some layout issues, and add a veeery bare bones blog to the nav so i can talk.

11/22/2024: okay, pretty huge update: wrote a bunch of shit about web manifestos and finished the abt me (by finish i mean if i look at it any longer im going to rip my hair out, so i kind of need it to be done.) messed around the homepage layout which im not entirely happy with but i needed to have some kind of nav bar. reading all those web manifestos so i could write one really affected me deeply. damn, i need to get my blog up. SOON.

11/20/2024: another small update, but i figured out where im going to put the nav bar on the homepage and added my gifypet from my old website.. say hi to makenzie!!!

11/19/2024: v v small update since i'm trying to avoid classwork rn. added a few buttons.

11/17/2024: fucked around a bit with the layout on both the about me page and the homepage. added some pictures.


